[RAM] RAM Ratings affirms AAA(s) ratings of Mercedes-Benz Services Malaysia's guaranteed debt programmes 14/08/2024 17:15:09 Read More
[RAM] KIP REIT Capital fully redeems 2019-Issue 1 Class A MTN 12/08/2024 16:00:12 Read More
[RAM] RAM Ratings affirms Bank Muamalat's A2/Stable/P1 FIR ratings 09/08/2024 17:30:11 Read More
[RAM] RAM Ratings affirms AA2 rating of Sunway REIT, A1(s) and P1(s) ratings of debt facilities issued by its funding conduits 09/08/2024 17:15:11 Read More
[RAM] RAM Ratings affirms AA3 rating of Ranhill Solar Ventures' sukuk 07/08/2024 17:15:10 Read More
[RAM] RAM Ratings assigns AA1 and P1 ratings to Johor Plantations' inaugural sukuk programmes 06/08/2024 17:15:10 Read More
[RAM] RAM Ratings affirms Konsortium ProHAWK's AA2/Stable IMTN rating; shareholder support a key rating driver 06/08/2024 12:00:12 Read More
[RAM] RAM Ratings assigns final AAA rating to KIP REIT Capital's RM240 mil 2024-Issue 4 Class A MTN 29/07/2024 17:30:09 Read More
[RAM] RAM Ratings upgrades Exsim Capital's Tranche 2 IMTN to AAA/Stable given fully cash-backed position following CCC/VP 26/07/2024 12:00:12 Read More
[RAM] RAM Ratings assigns AA1 preliminary rating to SEP Resources' proposed ASEAN Sustainability SRI Sukuk Wakalah 25/07/2024 15:00:10 Read More